High quality cooked ham
100% Italian meat
from a Certified and Traced Supply Chain*

Every stage of the Supply Chain is Certified and Traced*: from feed production to marketing. Only the best 100% Italian large pork thighs can become a Lenti&Lode Classic High Quality Italian Cooked Ham. Tradition and innovation blend to create the excellence of a unique product, followed with extreme care and dedication in every phase. Flavoring with a decoction of fine spices and herbs, capable of releasing the warm and persistent aroma of cloves, the intensity of Papua flowers, and the scent of juniper berries. Authentic and inimitable notes, thanks to Attilio Lenti’s 1935 recipe. A process as fascinating as it is simple, because executed according to the natural rhythms of tradition. Even during cooking: direct and slow in a steam oven for a whole day, with no hurry!

In detail

  • High Quality Cooked Ham
  • 100% Italian Meat from a Certified and Traced Supply Chain*
  • Fresh legs of large Italian pork
  • Closed manual boning
  • Flavored with a decoction of fine spices and herbs according to Attilio Lenti’s original recipe
  • Slow steam cooking for one day

What else do you need to know

  • no allergeni icona

    allergen free*

  • Icona Spiga Barrata

    gluten free

  • icona no lattosio

    Lactose and caseinate free

  • *does not contain substances or products that can cause allergies or intolerances as referenced in Annex II of EU Regulation n ° 1169/2011